We explore the world of vintage newspaper collecting, and hear stories about the newspaper business of the past on this edition of our show. Jeff Prescott, well-known San Diego radio personality, joins us to talk to us about these fascinating topics and more. Jeff has an extensive collection of vintage newspapers, and as a seasoned collector, shares with us hints on collecting and preserving these old newspapers. In addition, he tells us about the earlier days in the newspaper business, before they took a back seat to the internet and today's fast world of instant information. He tells us in detail the processes by which extra editions were assembled and printed, and how the papers would issue many "Extras" on a day with a big news story. Visit our Galaxy Moonbeam Night Site Facebook page and see our "Vintage Newspapers" album to see scans of a few of Jeff's papers. Pictured above is Jeff Prescott with a 40 pound-plus vintage lead plate that would have been used on a press to print the papers. Photo courtesy Shotgun Tom Kelly.