Tuesday, October 1, 2024


A Classic Halloween Treat

By Rev Protodeacon George A. Haloulakos
October is the time to watch films with themes of mystery, mayhem and the supernatural as a way of celebrating Halloween.  This month we offer a blast from the past with our recommendation that you view "The Uninvited" -- a 1944 film featuring Academy Award winning actors Ray Milland and Donald Crisp, plus Academy Award nominee Ruth Hussey along with Gail Russell.  "The Uninvited" is a supernatural horror film focused on a brother and sister (portrayed by Milland and Hussey) buying a home on the rocky British coast that carries a ghostly secret.  This mysterious secret is the heart of the story as it is closely guarded by the home's former owner/occupant (Crisp) while his granddaughter (Russell) expresses an intense, deep connection with the home.  A series of mysterious paranormal events (which can be explained by modern-day paranormal investigative protocols) inspire the brother and sister to resolve the mystery embedded in the haunting and tragic history of the home.  The ghosts or spirits are real.  Solving the mystery behind the paranormal events helps the original owner/occupant come to terms with the tragic history thereby enabling the budding romance of the Milland and Russell characters to blossom into a marriage promising new beginnings unfettered by the tragic past.  At the same time, the sister (portrayed by Hussey) is also able to move on with her life by marrying the town's doctor (portrayed by Alan Napier - who later played the role of Alfred the Butler in the 1966-68 TV series "Batman") who provides invaluable assistance in clarifying and resolving the supernatural mystery.
I have deliberately omitted 2nd and 3rd degree detail to avoid spoiling the full viewing experience for those who have not yet seen the film.  As the supernatural events are shown to be real, there are genuinely scary moments throughout the film that include swirling specters, ghostly sobbing and freshly cut flowers wilting as the home's new occupants feel an almost suffocating, heavy presence from the spiritual realm.  Hopefully this "sniff of the cork" will inspire you to watch this film as a special treat for Halloween.  There are a great many gems in this film to watch for:
> The cliffside mansion and crashing waves against the shore provide a haunting backdrop;
> The brother and sister dialogue by Milland and Hussey is artful conversation at its civilized best;
> The former owner/occupant played by Crisp is shown to be domineering and almost tyrannical;
> Gail Russell's innocent appeal as the granddaughter provides unforgettable charm;
> As the name of Russell's screen character is Stella, the film is able to integrate the title tune "Stella By Starlight" into the plotline as Milland's character is an aspiring musical composer inspired by his love for Stella!
There is much, much more that evokes scary moments such as a peek into how society viewed or handled mental health issues, marital infidelity, and unexpected pregnancy during the 1940s.  Possession by evil spirits is also shown during a very memorable seance.  In sum, there is just enough shown on the screen to cause the viewer's imagination to take flights of fancy and conjure up images far more horrifying than anything that can be produced by the computer graphic imaging (CGI) technology of today.  Fans of the many paranormal shows currently aired on various cable TV channels will have fun deconstructing this mystery as the film has aged well.
As a footnote to this blog, the British coastline scenery and the small town was actually shot in Mendocino, California.  Fans of classic film & TV will note that the motion pictures "The Ghost and Mrs Muir" (1947), "The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming" (1966) and the 1980s TV series "Murder She Wrote" were all filmed in the same locale as "The Uninvited."  Mendocino has successfully been used to film scenes for stories not only set in Great Britain but here in the US where the plot takes place either in Maine or elsewhere in New England!  For those of us who have spent a great deal of time in Mendocino it is always fun to watch "The Uninvited" not only as a seasonal favorite but to revisit a favorite vacation spot!  Thanks for reading.  Please share your memories and thoughts on this month's blog by either posting to the Galaxy FACEBOOK page or writing directly to me at: Haloulakos@gmail.com

Sunday, September 1, 2024


Gridiron Legend & Advertising Icon
The Other Half of a Power Couple

By Rev Protodeacon George A. Haloulakos

The month of September marks the return of regular season play for NFL Football, thereby giving us an opportunity to remember legendary gridiron players who left an indelible mark in the hearts and minds of millions of fans.  In this blog, we honor the memory of Charles Conerly (1921-1996) aka "Chuckin' Charlie" -  whose personal history included distinguished wartime service, NFL Champion & Most Valuable Player as quarterback for the New York Giants, the iconic Marlboro Man in both magazines & television plus a lifetime marriage with his wife, Perian (1926-2021), a distinguished sportswriter & author - long before it became fashionable for both husband and wife to have full-time professional careers!

In the collegiate venue, Conerly played quarterback and graduated from Ole Miss, achieving All-American honors while leading the Rebels to a Southeastern Conference title.  His college career was interrupted by his World War II service in the Pacific Theater for the US Marine Corps where he fought in the Battle of Guam.  From 1948 until his retirement in 1961, Conerly was the quarterback for the New York Giants where he was a two-time Pro Bowler (1950 and 1956), NFL Most Valuable Player (1959) and NFL Champion (1956) by piloting the Giants to a 47-7 victory over the Chicago Bears in the NFL Title Game.  His ruggedly handsome visage and stellar gridiron play made Conerly a marquee QB who easily fit the Madison Avenue image to grace the magazine cover for Sports Illustrated.  

Following his playing career, Conerly was a successful business owner of several shoe stores throughout the Mississippi Delta.  He also portrayed the "Marlboro Man" in major nationwide advertisements for Marlboro Cigarettes in both magazines and on television.  Conerly's cowboy image coupled with musical background featuring Elmer Bernstein's theme for "The Magnificent Seven" created an indelible memory for baby boomers all around the world.  Yours truly recalls when visiting Japan on business during the 1980s that this was the most popular advertisement in both print and television in the Land of the Rising Sun.  While everyone knew the Marlboro Man, they did not know it was NFL Champion QB Charlie Conerly!

Equally impressive is the lifelong marriage Conerly had with his wife, Perian.  The two made for a glamorous pairing that was decades ahead of the "power celebrity couple" image that is now more commonplace.  Perian was the first female inducted into the Football Writers Guild of America on the strength of her nationally syndicated column (that included prestigious subscribers such as the New York Times) about life in New York during the football season plus a bestselling book titled Backseat Quarterback (published by Doubleday in 1963).  Perian was a wonderful lifetime partner to Charlie.  She was as fashionable as Marilyn Monroe and noted for wearing stilettos with the best of any Madison Avenue fashion model.  Her December 13, 1959 appearance on TV's "What's My Line" speaks to her glamour and her husband's legendary quarterback play (Charlie was NFL MVP that very same year) as her line was that she wrote a football column for newspapers!

As we start the new NFL season, please join us in saluting the memory of Charles Conerly and his wife, Perian.  They forever remain a celebrity power couple that transcends time while holding a special place in the hearts and minds of baby boomers who remember their amazing professional accomplishments.  Please share your memories and thoughts on this month's blog by either posting to the Galaxy FACEBOOK page or writing directly to me at: Haloulakos@gmail.com

Friday, August 23, 2024

By Margaret Sizemore Clark

What's in a Mascot?

When you attended school, your alma mater most likely had a mascot, a symbol that stood for the power and grit of the team and the players that represented your school.  Whether it be in sports, a spelling bee, or a debate, there were mighty Tigers, Lions, or Bears.  Eagles, Hawks and Falcons represented feared birds of prey.  Mustangs, Pirates, Vikings, and Bulldogs were forces to be reckoned with.  The mascot of the high school I attended was a Burro. (I can hear you laughing.) That’s right… a burro, and I can leave to your imaginations what we were called besides that name!  Kind of like Johnny Cash’s “Boy Named Sue”, we had to be tough to survive and defend the honor of our beloved high school.

Our high school was not named for Edgar Rice Burroughs, the author of Tarzan. It is often confused with another high school in Burbank since both schools are in Southern California.  My high school can be found on a Navy base in the Mojave Desert.  The first Commanding Officer of that base was named Sherman E. Burroughs, so could a high school named for him have anything other than a burro for its mascot?  We alumni are proud of our school and of being Burroughs graduates. 

I got to thinking: what other unusual mascots are out there in America? I did a Google search and found that there are some “humdingers”, as my mother would have described them.  I felt a whole lot better about being a Burro; in fact, my school’s mascot didn’t even make the top ten!

A high school in Mississippi is named the St. Stanislaus Rock-a-Chaws. Rock-a-Chaw comes from an old Choctaw word meaning “devil grass,’ and it refers to the pesky little sand burrs that abounded on the St. Stanislaus campus before the lawns were cultivated.  The irony, to me, is that a high school with “Saint” in its name has devil grass for its mascot.  Maybe fighting devil grass is like fighting Bermuda grass and you know how tough that is!

For any crafters out there, you have to like the Crooksville Ceramics, from a high school located in Ohio.  Evidently Crooksville was considered the pottery capital of the world in the early 20th century, therefore Crooksville High School adopted the mascot of Ceramics, as in pots, jugs, and vases. Ceramics is fragile, and easily broken.  Just the imagery cracks me up. 

In San Antonio, Texas I found the Central Catholic Buttons.  In their case Buttons are not the utilitarian objects that are sewn onto clothing.  They are in fact the little pointy things found on a rattlesnake’s tail just below the rattles.  I’ll take their word for it, and I definitely wouldn’t mess with them!

Closer to where I live are the Bonanza Antlers from Oregon.  The choice could refer moose antlers, antelope antlers, deer antlers, or any other kind of animal that has a rack.  They chose to keep it generic, but I found it odd that it was the antlers rather than the animal that sported them that became the mascot.

Illinois has an entry for an unusual mascot as well, the Teutopolis Wooden Shoes.  The Wooden Shoes got their name from a coach in the 1930s and was chosen because it honored the town’s German heritage.  Additionally, there was only one cobbler in town, so he got the honor.  I wonder if they stomp their opponents???  Or maybe kick them?

Where else but Indiana could you find the Speedway High School Sparkplugs?  I think the choice is appropriate and understandably so. The whole town has a racecar theme, so what better image for the local high school than the Sparkplug?  The name says it all.

Representing Minnesota are the Blooming Prairie Awesome Blossoms.  I guess if you are going to be a blossom, you had better be awesome.  The town’s teams have been known to win athletic and mascot competitions, so assuming they would wilt when facing the Tigers and Lions of the world would be incorrect.  It brought to my mind what is said about assuming, so the Awesome Blossom mascot could be a close second to being a Burro.

Not to be outdone are the Bad Axe Hatchets located in the state of Michigan.  Now before you go jumping to conclusions, the town has been known as Bad Axe ever since a military surveyor found a broken axe embedded in a tree.  I recently passed through Bad Axe; it’s a traditional Midwest town with a square in the center of the city, and there were no scary hatchets to be seen anywhere.  It turns out we were looking for Bad Axe, Wisconsin, where my husband’s family were said to be the founders, but we mistakenly found ourselves in the Michigan version of Bad Axe.  Who knew there could be TWO Bad Axes??

When I went to college in Coalinga, California I discovered the high school in town had the Horned Toad as its mascot.  I used to catch the little lizards when I was a youngster and never thought of them as particularly tough. (We were always told they could spit blood from their eyes, but I never saw one actually do it.) But when a marketer depicts a horned toad standing upright on its back legs, sporting bulging muscles and a mean face, it gives off an altogether different vibe.

There are many, many more mascots that qualify as being quirky or one-of-a-kind, but no matter what they might be, they honor something in the community’s past, and the folks who support those schools are proud of their heritage.  My high school celebrated its 80th anniversary last weekend, so to honor that milestone the Navy provided a flyover of jets before the graduation ceremony.  I’d say that was VERY cool!!

 In closing, and with a straight face I can cheer: We’re the Burros, mighty, mighty Burros!

Many, many thanks to Stuff Bracket/Scorebook Live for the information and some of the humor used in this article.

Thursday, August 1, 2024


60th Anniversary - Billy Mills - Gold Medal Winner
Favorite Olympic Moments

By Rev Protodeacon George A. Haloulakos

With this year's Paris Olympic Games now in full swing, this summer marks the 60th Anniversary of American Track & Field star Billy Mills winning the Gold Medal in the 10,000 meter run (6.2 miles) at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics.  Mills' 1964 victory, immortalized in the 1983 motion picture "Running Brave" (featuring Robby Benson), is considered one of the greatest upset victories in Olympic history because he was virtually unknown on the global stage entering this event.  The life story of Billy Mills is a tribute to overcoming great odds while providing a strong, positive message on pursuing and accomplishing personal goals.

William Mervin (Billy) Mills was born June 30, 1938 in Pine Ridge, South Dakota.  As a Native American, Mills is also known by his Ogala Lakota name Tamakhóčhe Theȟíla, which means "loves his country" or "respects the earth."  Orphaned at age 12, Mills took up running and achieved a level of excellence that enabled him to attend the University of Kansas on an athletic scholarship where he was a three-time NCAA All-America cross country runner.  Billy Mills achieved distinction athletically, academically and in service to our nation's armed forces.  In 1962 he graduated with a degree in physical education and then entered the US Marine Corps.  Of note is that Mills was a First Lieutenant in the Marine Corps Reserve when he competed in the 1964 Olympics!  His record of accomplishment, dedication and service enabled him to rise from poverty to Olympic Gold.  Amazingly enough, it was reported that Mills never owned his own pair of new shoes until the night before the Olympic Games.
Mills finished second in the US Olympic trials and was essentially unknown as a runner.  Moreover his time in the heats was one-minute slower than the favorite in the 10,000 meter race!  It was not until the final stretch that Mills emerged in front and won the event by running 50-seconds faster than he had ever run before.  His dramatic come-from-behind victory set a new Olympic record!
In his post-running career Mills continued to be a Gold Medal winner in the game of life.  He is the co-founder of Running Strong for American Indian Youth, that is aimed at helping Native Americans fulfill basic needs of food, water and shelter while also promoting self-esteem and achieving self-sufficiency.  Mills is also a leader in educating Native Americans about the importance of a healthy style, including diabetes prevention.  He has been honored with many awards paying tribute to his athletic accomplishments, community service, helping young people fulfill their goals and much more.  All of this is reflected or embodied in the 2012 US Presidential Citizens Medal that recognized Mills' lifetime body of work.
The Olympics is a venue where surprising athletic accomplishments can occur every four years, and in this instance with Billy Mills, helps to inspire the many generations that follow.  Please join us in saluting Billy Mills not only in recognition of the 60th anniversary of his Gold Medal but for exemplifying the core values of hard work, determination, self-discipline and sportsmanship.  If you have any special or favorite Olympic Games memories, please share them by either posting to the Galaxy FACEBOOK page or writing directly to me at: Haloulakos@gmail.com

Tuesday, July 2, 2024


JULY 2024
Happy Birthday USA With Andy Griffith
Fun With a Purpose

By Rev Protodeacon George A. Haloulakos

The 4th of July is a time in which we celebrate the birth of our nation.  The ways in which we mark this great event vary but typically include gatherings of family and friends, community activities with a patriotic theme, parades and fireworks displays plus remembering the historic figures who played such a prominent role in the founding of the USA.  Many people enjoy reading the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution or perhaps the Gettysburg Address to reconnect with our nation's history.  Such acts of remembrance express thanks to the great Americans who pledged their "lives, fortunes and sacred honor with a firm reliance on protection of divine Providence" while seeking to secure the blessings of liberty and freedom.

All of the above, and more, are great ways to celebrate the 4th of July.  With regards to "more," we would submit for your consideration, a classic episode from the 1960s TV series The Andy Griffith Show titled "Andy Discovers America."  First aired on May 4, 1963, this is quintessential Andy at his most charismatic, storytelling best that is reminiscent of his famous comedy record ("What it Was, Was Football") that launched his entertainment career ten years earlier.  After Opie (played by a very young Ron Howard) and his schoolmates misinterpret Andy's empathy for their difficulties with their history class as an excuse to revolt against the teacher and skip their homework, Andy must find a way to reinvigorate their interest in their history studies.  What follows is a wonderful, humorous example of fun with a purpose -- in this instance, developing an understanding if not appreciation for our nation's history.  Andy's storytelling about Paul Revere and his horse Nellie that leads to the "shot heard around the world" is folksy, dramatic, gripping, entertaining and engaging.  The facial expressions of Deputy Barney Fife (Don Knotts) plus Opie and his schoolmates (Richard Keith who played Little Ricky in "I Love Lucy" and Joey Scott who played Benjie Bellamy from "Leave it to Beaver") are priceless as they are captivated by Andy's infectious conversational style that brings American history to life.

The boys return to the classroom with renewed interest in American history and an insatiable desire to engage in serious discussion with their teacher.  To a large swath of Baby Boomers, the classroom scenes are like a time capsule as students and teachers alike would begin the day by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.  The teacher, Helen Crump (played by Aneta Corsaut) is rather strict and serious, if not somewhat harsh in her manner.  But there can be no mistake in her sincere desire to want her students to learn all they can about the subject of the day. Her initial tongue lashing she administers to Andy when the boys initially forgo their homework later changes to genuine respect and admiration for how he was able to inspire them to learn more about American history.  The transformation of all the characters in this episode -- Andy, Barney, Opie and his classmates plus teacher Helen -- is equally endearing as Andy's persuasive storytelling.

So as you gather with friends and loved ones to celebrate 4th of July, please consider taking time to watch this wonderful episode of classic TV in which you can "rediscover" America through the wit and whimsy of "The Andy Griffith Show."  Do you have any special traditions you follow to celebrate our nation's independence day?  If so, please share them by either posting to the Galaxy FACEBOOK page or writing directly to me at: Haloulakos@gmail.com

Tuesday, June 4, 2024


JUNE 2024

The 80th Anniversary of D-Day

By Rev Protodeacon George A. Haloulakos

On June 6th we remember a historic event -- the Allied invasion of Normandy, June 6, 1944 (Operation Overlord) -- in which members of the Allied armed forces made the ultimate sacrifice that made possible the survival of human freedom.  For an insightful and inspiring remembrance of D-Day, we invite you to please listen to our 2014 podcast marking the 70th Anniversary of D-Day which provides an in-depth presentation on the backstory, conflict and resolution that offers important takeaways about a watershed event forever shaping the lives of Baby Boomers.  Ten years later, this program features timeless insights for your listening pleasure.

To listen to our 70th anniversary program from 10 years ago, please follow this link:

In gratitude and loving memory, I would like to begin this month's Blog by sharing the following poem written by Stephen Spender as we recall all those who not only participated in D-Day, but everyone who has served in defense of our nation.
"I think continually of those who were truly great.  The names of those who in their lives fought for life,
Who wore at their hearts the fire's center.
Born of the sun, they traveled a short while toward the sun
And left the vivid air signed with their honor."

The impact of D-Day has been chronicled in books as well as major motion pictures such as "The Longest Day'' (1962) and "Saving Private Ryan'' (1998).  Yet this major historical event is perhaps best understood, if not appreciated, from a personal perspective.  As a sniff of the cork, here are three personal accounts which illustrate the magnitude of D-Day on this, its 80th Anniversary.

The first and second personal accounts are taken from personal notes recording the remembrance of D-Day by my parents, Dr Vassilios Elias Haloulakos (1931-2019) and Victoria Villarreal Haloulakos (1925-2018).  My father grew up on a farm in the Sparta region of Greece in the midst of World War II, with vivid recollection of the occupation by the Axis powers.  Beginning in 1942, his family was forced to surrender their personal firearms and give up 72% of their foodstuff production while living under severe curfew and restriction on all personal freedoms.  The news of the Allied invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944 was hailed with enormous gratitude in answer to prayers for deliverance from this occupation.  D-Day marked a resurgence in hope as the American led Allied forces would soon arrive on the shores of the birthplace of Western Civilization to liberate all those who had been subjugated under the boot of the Axis powers.  For my father and all the members of his family, D-Day forever changed their lives as it signaled a restoration of freedom that had been taken away.  My mother, who graduated from high school in a small town in Texas in June 1944, recalls that D-Day not only indicated that the Allies had seized the initiative to secure eventual victory in Europe but that forthcoming deployment of her male classmates who enlisted in the armed services were to be shifted or redirected to the Pacific Theater.  Sadly, the summer of 1944 was bittersweet.  While June was spent celebrating the victorious Allied invasion of Normandy, the mood shifted later that summer as nearly all of her male classmates dispatched to the Pacific were killed in action before the end of September!  For a young female high school graduate preparing to enter the workforce, this was a sobering reminder that the enormous sacrifice on D-Day to create the foundation for eventual victory in Europe, might likely be required again if our nation was to be victorious in the Pacific.

There is an interesting postscript to Mom and Dad's D-Day remembrance.  Forty one years later in 1985, my parents attended a reunion in Mom's hometown in Texas honoring the high school graduates from 1940-45.  It was at this reunion where my father was able to personally express his heartfelt gratitude as he met Mom's older schoolmates from the graduating classes of 1942 and 1943 that included several servicemen who had landed on the beaches of Normandy on June 6, 1944.  It was a profound, deeply emotional moment in time as my father was able to thank his "liberators" who risked it all in the defense of freedom, thereby bringing everyone connected with D-Day full circle after the passage of four decades.

The third and final perspective is one that comes from Hall of Fame baseball broadcaster Vin Scully (1927-2022) who on every June 6th, would incorporate D-Day into the game's broadcast.  Mr. Scully's recollection is especially profound for he along with my parents, and the parents of countless Baby Boomers, were of the age group called upon to sacrifice their lives for the freedoms they had come to cherish.  Scully wanted to impress upon young listeners that D-Day should always be remembered, for it was this ultimate sacrifice that made it possible for the generations that followed to enjoy the pastime of baseball in comfort and freedom.  During his 2015 Dodger broadcast, Scully shared the following with his vast listening audience:
"It was the largest air, land, sea occupation undertaken.  It included over five thousand ships, eleven thousand airplanes, 150,000 servicemen, and it came down to this.  The boat ramp goes down, you jump, swim, run, and crawl to the cliffs.  Many of the first young men were not yet twenty years old, and they entered the surf carrying eighty pounds of equipment.  Many of them drowned.  They faced over two hundred yards of beach before reaching the first natural feature offering any protection at all."  

To this narrative on the enormity of human sacrifice on June 6, 1944, I would add that if we include the cost of human life in rehearsing for D-Day, we find the numbers even higher.  For example, Exercise Tiger carried out just two months before in April 1944 in Devon, England, resulted in costing the lives of at least 749 American servicemen.  In sum, the 80th Anniversary of D-Day is an important event not only in the context of human history, but resonates in the memories of all generations connected with those who lived and/or served while the world was at war.  Do you have any special memories or recollections from your own family records concerning D-Day? If so, please share them by either posting to the Galaxy FACEBOOK page or writing directly to me at: Haloulakos@gmail.com

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

 MAY 2024

Remembering When Air Travel Was Exciting, New and Fun

Boeing 727: A Legacy of Ingenuity and Resilience

By Rev Protodeacon George A. Haloulakos

The Boeing 727 was a transformative aircraft as it was able to capitalize on a then under-served end-user market requiring a jet airliner that could serve smaller airports with shorter runways while flying routes that called for ferrying fewer passengers in both domestic and international venues. This iconic narrow body aircraft symbolized Boeing's ability to create a family of commercial jet aircraft able to serve multiple end-user markets. From 1962 to 1984 Boeing produced 1,832 units of this amazing tri-jet and presently there are still a number in use for cargo and executive service!

Among the "firsts" associated with the Boeing 727 are having a trio of rear-mounted jet engines, an auxiliary power unit and completely powered flight controls. Its operational capability of flying in-and-out of remote or regional airfields helped make it a versatile, reliable commercial jet airliner.

The 727 represents a vital piece of history as it holds a special place in the hearts and minds of people from all walks of life connected with this aircraft. As a business traveler this was a long-time favorite. I fondly recall the 727 Eastern Airlines Shuttle [Boston (Logan) -- New York City (La Guardia)] with big, wide comfortable leather seats for the entire aircraft [2 on each side of the center aisle]. I also flew the 727 Alaska Airlines Seahawk One [used for the Seattle NFL franchise and having all the names of players, coaches and staff on gold plates in each seat]; similar interior design and comfortable seating as the 727 Eastern Shuttle. And how about the rear entry / exit with the fold-up stairway ramp that allowed passengers to board and disembark simultaneously from both front and rear of the aircraft? Much faster turnaround time! A great benefit for business people on the go! The built-in stairway ramp that would drop down was similar to the science fiction spacecraft seen on lots of TV and movies from the 1960s.

The 727 was also a part of ushering jet travel into political campaigns during that same era. In 1964, US Senator Barry Goldwater was the GOP standard bearer in the US Presidential Election and used a 727 for his nationwide campaign circuit. Mr. Goldwater, a Command Pilot and Maj General in the Air National Guard, often flew the 727 himself during the course of his campaign!

Do you have any special memories or recollections of the 727? If so, please share them by either posting to the Galaxy FACEBOOK page or writing directly to me at: Haloulakos@gmail.com